Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas Finn & Hazel

To my dear Grandson Finn & sweet Granddaughter Hazel,
It snowed in Camino last night on Christmas Eve, so you had a white Christmas today at "Apple Abbey".
I deeply regret moving from our mountain home in Camino. If the move never happened...then you, your Mommy, and Rebecca, would all be spending Christmas in our house with me.
I'm so sorry about moving away from our home. There are many bitter sweet memories of us all living together in that old house, and I will cherish and treasure them forever...
Both of you are probably in bed by now, but I couldn't let the whole day and night go by without saying Merry Christmas to my Grandchildren.
I hope you had a Happy Halloween & Thanksgiving. My 59th birthday fell right on Thanksgiving this year. Next year I'll be 60 years old!!!!!! "I love you both very much...Merry Christmas Finn & Hazel."
~ Forever, Your Gramma Lynn
Snowing on Christmas Eve at our old House in Camino ~ Dec. 24, 2015
Our old Home on Christmas Day  ~  Dec. 25, 2015
Some memories of our family---->Our Camino Mountain Home 
and---->The Good Times 
Roth Family Tree--->Our Family Tree 
You may have to be a member of Ancestry to view it?
So far our family tree has 107 people and 63 photos! This might work better---> Roth Family Tree (ask me for a free invite if it doesn't work) 
A photo collage that I made of us through the years is below.
Micheal, Lynn, Lacie & Rebecca Roth

Monday, November 2, 2015

A Wall of Silence for Five Years

Finn & Hazel,
Today it has been five years since I saw my daughter, Lacie (aka Laecee) in the courthouse hallway on Nov. 2, 2010 when she yelled"I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" at me. 
I never thought we would end up like this...not allowed to come over her house, not invited to her wedding, never meeting her husband Alex, (my son-in-law) and having the both of you withheld from me. (my own Grandchildren)
Today I'm taking down all the pictures of her, and packing them away in a box. Only shadows will be left on the walls...
I was very upset when Lacie chose not to move with me and her sister, Rebecca. 
Rebecca suffered when she saw me in so much pain. I know she was in pain as well, from seeing what this did to us as a family. 
Rebecca wanted a relationship with her sister, but she also knew how hurt I was...she was caught in the middle. 
Eventually she got tired of being "the monkey in the middle". I'm so sorry to see how much all of this has hurt her.
My 59th birthday falls right on Thanksgiving this year I'll be 60 years old ----> I'm Trying to Move On
Love Always, Your Gramma Lynn

Thursday, October 1, 2015

New Offices in Santa Cruz for Fae Diddle Diddle ~ Happily Ever Laughter Parties

"The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Music"
Hi Hazel & Finn,
Your Mommy's rapidly growing children's entertainment company, Happily Ever Laughter, moved to a much bigger office building in downtown Santa Cruz. I am SO PROUD of my daughter Lacie! (aka Laecee)
The "Queen of the Faeries" Fae Diddle Diddle (aka Fae Diddle Gershenson) now has new offices on the third floor of the historical three story building where the "Good Times" newspaper used to be.
It is called the "Hihn" building; which is an unique three-sided building with ample windows, balconies, natural light, tall double-door entrance, and spectacular views on both sides of the "L" shaped building.
The distinguishing 'turret' corner office/conference room offers a commanding 270 degree view. (Lacie's office)
The original building was destroyed in the Loma Prieta earthquake on October 17, 1989.
I remember exactly where we were when that earthquake hit. We were living in Petaluma, and Lacie was in the downstairs bathroom. She shouted "Mommy!" when our home started shaking, but I was in the upstairs bathroom giving her little sister, Rebecca, a bath. Lacie had just turned six, and Rebecca was only two years old at the time, so I couldn't leave her alone in the tub. The bathwater started making waves, and I grabbed Rebecca, and held on tight to the side of the bathtub. I doubt that Rebecca remembers anything about that day, but Lacie might. Love, Gramma Lynn
The old "Good Times"sign (upper-right)
One of the businesses on the ground floor is the "Pacific Cookie Company". I know you both love that place, and your Mommy does too. She says "The cookie store is the only thing that matters in life."
Lacie & her Faeries ~ "Second star to the Right and straight on 'til morning"

"Working on top of a cookie store creates too many problems. But then,
when I solve those problems. with cookies. does that mean I did a good
job at work?"

"Life has never felt so surreal.
This year the Faeries went from a 1,600 square foot Tree House, to a
4,000 square foot penthouse that we took over from Good Times Santa
Cruz, looking over Downtown Santa Cruz. More room to spread our wings
Lacie's new office has an AWESOME view of downtown Santa Cruz
Fae Diddle Diddle ~ HEAD FAERIE 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Phyllis & David Meacham ~ 60th Wedding Anniversary!

Dear Finn & Hazel,
Today is my parents 60th Wedding anniversary! (David & Phyllis Meacham, your Great Grandparents) Here are some photos of their wedding day on June 18,1955.
The Bride ~ Phyllis Meredith Trimble
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Meacham
The Happy Couple ~ David & Phyllis Meacham
My parents note to Lacie in Paris ~ Sept. 20, 2003
1st Photo Below: My 8th grade graduation from McKinley Jr. High in 1970 with my parents by my side.
2nd Photo: Mom & Dad with their dogs Katie & Brandy...I carried it in my wallet for many years. (taken in the late 80's, or early 90's)
3rd Photo: My sister Kathy's wedding on September 30,1984.
Top row: Sally Temple, Doris Seaver, Jan Manning, Lacie Roth, Micheal Roth, Lynn Roth ~ Bottom row: Phyllis Meacham, Dave Farwell, Kathy Farwell, David Meacham.
4th Photo: My parents at my cousin Emily's wedding on April 13,1996.
It is absolutely incredible that they have been married for 60 years!

                                             I love you Mommy & Daddy!