Thursday, January 16, 2014

Those Teenage Years...

Photo of Lacie and Rebecca in my parents kitchen when they were teenagers.
Dear Finn & Hazel,
Here is a picture of Lacie, Charlie, Me, Chris, and your Aunt Rebecca taken at a wedding in Lake Tahoe for my dear friend Charles Fowler, from Clear Lake, CA, in the winter of 1997. (when we lived in Camino, CA)
Lacie (aka Laecee), Charlie Fowler, Lynn, Chris, and Rebecca ~ Lake Tahoe ~ 1997
I think Lacie & Rebecca weren't smiling very much in the photo below, because they were in those "Terrible Teen" years. Or, maybe it was because they had braces on their teeth? Rebecca wasn't quite a teen yet, she was a "pre-teen". They say that the "Terrible Twos" are bad, but for me it was the teenage years that were the worst.
I wasn't going to post the photo below, but it is kind of an example of how difficult it can be for a mother when her sweet little children turn into teenagers. I'm sure I wasn't the best daughter either to my parents when I was a teenager!
I love both of my daughters very much, even though life could be pretty tough during those years. Sorry to say that I made some mistakes while I was raising them, and I wish with all of my heart that I could go back in time to change how things turned out...
Hope you both will always be nice, and respectful to your mother, Lacie (aka Laecee) and to your father, Alexander Gershenson.
Lacie (aka Laecee) Lynn & Rebecca Roth ~ Lake Tahoe, CA ~ Dec. 1997
I Love you both with all my heart,
~Your Gramma Lynn
P.S. I'm SO happy, and very relieved that your Mother is recovering from her thyroid cancer surgery, and that she will be okay. What an awful ordeal for my baby Lacie to go through.

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