Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas Card from Lacie (aka Laecee)

Dear Finn and Hazel,
I found this Christmas card from Lacie to me, when she was 15-years old, and thought you both would like to see your mother when she was a teenager. She was (and still is) such a pretty girl.
This card from her is very precious to me...
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas in your new house.
It will be Finn's second Christmas, and Hazel's FIRST Christmas!
I'm sure you both will miss your old house. But at least the new one is on the same property, so you can still go and look at the old house where you both lived when you were born.
First Christmas Tree @ Gershenson Abbey ~ 2013
I love you both very much, and always will.
Much Love & Kisses, ~Your Gramma Lynn