Friday, September 21, 2012

Great Grampa David D. Meacham turns 80

Dearest Finn,
     It's been awhile since I've written to you, hope everything is going well in your young life. You must be walking by now!
      This post is to let you know that my father, David D. Meacham turned 80 on Sept. 8, 2012.  He is your Great Grandfather, and on that same day you turned 14 months old.
Me & my Daddy ~ April 13, 1996
 Yesterday, Sept. 20, 2012 my daughter Lacie turned 29. (She is your Mommy, of course.) 
     September is almost over now, and the days are getting shorter. The mornings are a little chilly up here in the Santa Cruz mountains.  I haven't turned on the heater yet, but I will probably have to soon. The second bedroom in my cabin is still waiting for you to visit me Finn.
     I'm posting some photos of my beloved father. The second photo was taken when he was in the Navy. He was a pilot, and also used to fly my mother, me, and my two sisters many places in Paul Pearson's small Cessna plane. (Pearson was his boss) I especially remember flying to Oregon to visit our relatives up there. And one time he flew to Tahoe by himself to go skiing, and broke his ankle. To this day, I don't know how he managed to fly home with a broken ankle!
     He taught me all I know about the outdoors. We went skiing, hiking, camping, fishing, running, canoeing, and enjoyed many other outdoor activities. Whenever I open a new can of coffee, I inhale a deep breath of the fresh coffee aroma, and it reminds me of my Dad. Also, everything I know about fixing cars, I learned from him. He can fix almost anything!
     Your Great Grandfather is a very smart man, he graduated from Stanford University, got married, and was commissioned into the US Navy, flying patrol bombers from San Diego and the Philippine Islands, all in one weekend! Later, when I was in High School, he went on to get his Masters degree by taking night classes at the University of Santa Clara.
Also, your own Daddy, Alexander Gershenson, is very smart as well.
David Darrell Meacham in his 1935 Dodge
Me & my Daddy ~ April 1957
Daniel, David, and Darrell Meacham ("Papa"my Grandfather)
Photo above this: Xmas 1980 ~ Dad, Me, Kathy, Jan, Mom & our dogs, Juliet & Pepe
Vivian & Darrell Meacham ~ My Dad's parents (my Grandparents) ~ 1971
David Meacham in his office @ Pearson Electronics, Palo Alto, CA
The photo above is of my Dad at work. He worked at Pearson Electronics, in Palo Alto, CA for many years as the Vice President of the company. Paul Pearson, the owner, was President, but he was hardly ever there.
Sorry the pic is so faded...I kept it in my wallet for years.
I worked there for a few summers when I was a teenager. It was fun to be called "The Boss's Daughter!" There is a photo of me working alone there, but my head is down, so you can't see my face. I'm not going to post it. Here is a better one of me, and my sister Jan.
Jan & Lynn Meacham ~ Working at Pearson Electronics ~ Summer of 1972
My sisters and I surprised him on Father's day one year by painting his office. Of course my Mom "helped" us! *wink*
Below is a picture of your Great Grandfather and me taken aboard the "Song of Norway" on a Christmas Caribbean cruise when we both were much younger in Dec. 1977.  I love my Dad very much!
Love, Your Gramma Lynn
Me & my Daddy

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